Advocacy Toolkit
Sometimes the hardest part of engaging in advocacy to protect energy choice can be figuring out where to start. Government shapes public policy and elected officials need to hear from their constituents. This Advocacy Toolkit page is a quick resource for beginner and champion advocates alike seeking to make a difference and their voice heard.
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Ensuring affordable and dependable energy in the Pacific Northwest is a top priority for the NW Coalition for Energy Choice. Achieving this requires a diverse mix of energy sources to maintain reliability and affordability while advancing decarbonization objectives. We believe it is possible to support shared climate goals without compromising energy reliability and affordability.
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #NWCEC
The NW Coalition for Energy Choice’s mission is to promote, advocate for, & preserve energy choice, affordability, & reliability. We can’t do this without your help!
Join our coalition to advocate for energy choice in the Pacific Northwest!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #NWCEC
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Restricting energy choice drives up the cost of housing and goods while threatening family-wage jobs in our communities. In the face of heat waves, wildfires and winter storms, dual energy systems – both gas and electric – are essential to a strong future in the Pacific Northwest.
Click here to join the fight for energy choice!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #NWCEC
Elected and unelected officials in the Pacific Northwest have attempted to take away our access to natural gas while passing laws to discourage its use. These actions raise energy costs for consumers, limit major appliance options, and even threaten family-wage jobs. Banning sources like natural gas will only harm families, businesses, and our economy.
Click here to join the NW Coalition for Energy Choice!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #EnergyPolicy #NWCEC
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With a lack of energy choice options, consumers are forced to rely on energy sources that could be more expensive and less dependable. This is the worst possible combination for families and businesses in the Pacific Northwest.
Click here to join the fight for energy choice!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #NWCEC
In the Pacific Northwest, the cost of living is rising, hitting residents with lower or fixed incomes and communities of color the hardest. We can’t afford higher energy bills too.
Join our coalition today, and fight for the right to keep energy choice options that best suit your needs – and budget!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #HomeEnergy #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #NWCEC
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State and local efforts in Washington and Oregon to restrict or ban natural gas hookups in new residential and commercial construction are limiting the ability of families and businesses to choose the energy sources that best meet their needs. These policies drive up costs for consumers and threaten energy reliability.
Join the NW Coalition for Energy Choice and stay on top of new laws so you can tell lawmakers not to take away your energy options and make life even more costly!
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #HomeEnergy #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #EnergyPolicy #NWCEC
A study by the American Gas Association (AGA) found that if 60% of residents converted from gas to electricity by 2035, the average household would see an annual increase of more than $1,400 in heating costs alone.
Join NWCEC today and protect the Pacific Northwest’s access to affordable natural gas.
#PNWEnergy #NaturalGas #HomeEnergy #EnergyChoiceAdvocate #NWCEC