Washington, Your Energy Choice Will Be On The Ballot On November 5!

The NWCEC Says Vote YES on I-2066

Washington’s homeowners should have the freedom to choose from a diverse array of energy sources that best suit our homes and budgets. But politicians want to limit our choices, particularly targeting natural gas. By voting YES on Initiative 2066, we can protect our ability to decide how to heat and power our homes.

Here’s why supporting I-2066 matters:

  • Preserve Consumer Choice: I-2066 ensures we can choose the energy source that fits our needs and not be forced to use one single type of energy to heat our homes and businesses.

  • Protect Access to Natural Gas: Politicians are working to ban natural gas statewide. I-2066 stops this overreach, allowing us to continue using natural gas if we prefer.

  • Reliable and Affordable Energy: Natural gas is a dependable option for heating and cooking, especially during power outages. Voting YES on I-2066 keeps this option available.

  • No Forced Conversions: Without I-2066, homeowners could face costly conversions to electric-only appliances. I-2066 ensures we won’t be forced into making expensive energy choices.

  • Balanced Approach: Supporting I-2066 protects our right to choose the energy source that works best for us, while preserving incentives for energy efficiency upgrades to homes and businesses that use natural gas

Commit to Voting YES on Initiative 2066:

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